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Wednesday 6 August 2014 website down

Hey fellas, just to inform you that is temporarily down, has issues. Namely they are too fucking incompetent to write a script that limits the CPU usage in their server, so they keep on whining that my site uses too much resources (CPU and RAM) and now they suspended the account and refused to re-enable it.

So solution is: I give a big FUCK YOU to and got a new hosting, now it will take day or two to move the website, everything will be restored to the state it was before the site went down. At least hosting24 gave me access for 24h so that i can make the latest backup.

All this is caused by 1-3 million visits per month my website is getting, even tho it is on CloudFlare, their shitty hosting can't handle it or maybe they just want to get more money, because they basically said that if i rent a VPS from them (virtual private server) then they can restore the site there, but it costs like 10 times more than the shared hosting. I have no need for VPS, they need to hire true professionals who will solve this CPU issue by simply limiting the resource usage, so that if my website wants to use more resources, it simply can't, site would lag, but it would stay up and running.
Easy enough! But their incompetent team just can't handle it, that's fucking stupid .... oh yeah and i suggested this over 2 years ago! They still haven't taken any steps.

So final verdict is: STAY AWAY FROM HOSTING24.COM ! ..well it's great and cheap hosting, if you never plan on getting famous and getting lot of hits/visits on your site.

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